How to meet men…. And other dating tips from the Matchmaker

I grew up in a pretty religious home. (think: lots and lots of repressive rules, hence why I am no longer religious.) My father expected me to get married at the ripe old age of 20. Little did he know that marriage was not even a thought in my mind until I reached 30 and had an established career. Poor guy was heartbroken, may he rest in peace (well, he finally can, now that I’m married for 17 years.)

His career goal for me was that I get my “Mrs.” degree in college. All he wanted was to see me married.

Well, that didn’t happen, nor did I want it to, but I truly enjoyed being single and started matchmaking even back then. I actually preferred to set up my friends (who later got married because of my efforts!) than settling down myself. I even set up a few bad dates of mine with other women and they were actually really thrilled.

How to avoid boring single events and how to meet men

I have been to countless single events in my lifetime, both when I was actually single and now that I am The Matchmaker of South Florida. (Hey, even as an old - I mean - mature - married woman I still gotta keep up my game!)

So when people ask me (all the time – and I mean, All.The. Time.) – questions like: “What are the best single events?” and “How to meet men?” I always respond with a simple: Just be yourself and act naturally.

I know, I know, that can be construed as a dismissive answer and an easy way out of really getting to the bottom of what is the most effective way to meet other singles, but the reality is, when you’re just out and about doing normal everyday activities, you are acting yourself and are simply at a more relaxed comfort level- which can open up doors of communication and makes you more accessible and approachable. People will come up to you and flirt if you allow them to.

Some people, especially those on the shy-er end, prefer to just go to the top dating sites in hopes of an easier way to meet singles, but as The Matchmaker of South Florida, the more and more I speak to my clients about what’s been working for them and what hasn’t, the resounding consensus is that even the top dating sites or most popular single events, aren’t an effective way to meet a potential relationship.

Most people complain that the world of online dating is not what it seems. I’ve been told that single events and chatting on a dating app often bring a level of anxiety and discomfort and forced conversation.

That’s why I always recommend that a person just be themselves - and smile at people when they are out. That could mean in a grocery store, at the library (do people even go to the library anymore? For that matter, do people even read books anymore?) just make everyday LIFE your single event.

The matchmaker answers your questions

Sure, the internet does serve a purpose, but the question is, is it the wrong purpose?

As The Matchmaker, I always say that the biggest reason I am different from any other dating site, even the top dating sites, is because I am not relying on an algorithm. This isn’t a robot setting you up with your life partner.

I make every match very personal and give each single all of my attention and actively go out and look for matches that will fit their dating preferences. In addition, I add a human element that even the top dating sites can’t add: GUT Instinct.

The Matchmaker Difference

But the most important difference between the matchmaking process and an App, is that I search for matches with long-term relationships/ or marriage as the goal. Online dating sites offer a quick chance for a fast hook up-  assuming both parties swipe the correct direction. The Matchmakers’ goal is for long-lasting relationships. Look for the matchmaker with a solid and successful track record, an excellent reputation, and one that is known for their role in putting together long-lasting relationships and even marriages.

Lesson Learned

Single events and top dating sites aren’t the only way to meet men (or women). There are options for people looking for more than just a hook up. If you’re looking for long lasting love, ask the matchmaker to at the very least, guide you in the right way and help make yourself more approachable doing everyday activities.

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