How to marry a millionaire …The best matchmaking sites of 201


Back in my single days, there was that one girl who would hang around our friend group peripherally – meaning, no one really knew who she was friends with but she seemed to always pop up at single events and friend’s parties uninvited yet somehow welcome. She made no secret of shamelessly preaching that her single goal in life was to marry a millionaire.

When you want to meet a millionaire

Perhaps you know her type: super skinny, eats only diet coke and sugarless gum, somewhat pretty – to an average looking face, long hair (extensions), wears tight fitted clothing, not that ambitious in her own career, yet laser focused on meeting a millionaire that will whisk her off to the suburbs where she will joyfully walk around in LuluLemon, drink red wine as soon as it is 5PM soemwhere, shop at Neiman’s and smaller boutique on Central avenue, play tennis at the club and spend 2 ½ hours at the gym every day with her  personal trainer. OK, Ok, Maybe I’m stereotyping a bit(she said with tongue in cheek) but let’s face it; its not that uncommon for women to want to marry a millionaire. Why do you think that show “Millionaire Matchmaker” was so popular? Even the best matchmaking sites promote a well to do audience. Shows like “The Bachelor” and now reverse the roles and the “Bachelorette” – it doesn’t matter the gender, sometimes a person’s motivation is to just be taken care of by a wealthier spouse.


But it doesn’t have to be a bad thing or even a shallow character trait to consider it a success to meet a millionaire at a singles event. I know first hand from my own dating experience that since I have always been ambitious and career oriented, I wanted to marry someone who was financially compatible with me.

So, what are the best matchmaking sites of 2018?

The best matchmaking sites in this day and age are those that allow you to meet a partner that is emotionally and financially compatible with you. Unlike a dating site or App, where an algorithm is the bot finding you love, a professional matchmaker will take the time to get to know you thoroughly and honestly  - not just read your profile. Find a matchmaking site where the matchmaker is focused on you as the single that needs to be matched and understands your needs, wants and match preferences. You want a matchmaker that will listen to you and treat you as an individual not as just one of the masses or just another cog in the wheel at a singles event. 

Lesson Learned:

Matchmaking is personal and unlike dating sites and apps, finding love needs to be done with a very intimate approach. The best matchmaker will use their own gut instinct and make it personal. 




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