Looking for millionaire dating? Then it’s time to find an executive matchmaker


Have you ever been on a really bad date? I mean one of those dates where everything that can go wrong actually did go wrong. 

You show up early only to wait 40 minutes for your date to show, then when they finally arrive they are nothing like their online profile pic. (Or they are just with an extra 10 years and 20 pounds on them). We call that the ‘bait and switch’ play in the executive matchmaking industry, where match finder clients come to us after they are sick of showing up to online dates and not getting what they saw online. They have finally had enough of the fraud and disappointments with the dating scene and want a professional matchmaker to help them. They just can't stand the thought of yet another bad first date.


Millionaire dating - how does it work?

Finding a millionaire can be a lofty goal when setting out to find the perfect one for you. You set your goals high and go in with your best attitude only to end up disappointed, over and over and over again. Even the most positive attitude in the world can’t make a bad date good.

An executive matchmaker acts as a match finder for you. Professional matchmakers go out and select the best qualified match for you, based on your preferences, so that you don’t have to do the dirty work or deal with the disappointments of the dating scene or the online dating territory which can be hard to navigate. I cherry pick the right person who is perfect for you.

I work with all types of singles - from those that have never been married (at any age), to those that are widowed and divorced and just afraid to get back out there again after so may years of marriage. Or maybe they aren’t afraid but they just don’t know where to begin or are just out of practice. I help coach people before and after a date on anything from what to wear, how to sit and stand - your posture your presence your smile, even how to handle the bill.

What other Singles say....

I speak to single people all day long, all ages ranges, I have clients that range in age from 21-89 and each and every one of them complains that they can’t find anyone. I wonder how that can be possible considering there are so many single people out there?? There are about 124 million single people in America –that’s 50 percent of the population! How can it be that so many of them are having problems finding each other? The online dating websites are supposed to make dating easy, after all, technology makes so many aspects of life easier – right? Well....Not always.

The reason behind this technology problem is simple; when human interaction is taken away from the love connection then the heart of the issue is not there to begin with (pun intended). Love is not a business or an algorithm, it’s very, very personal. Sometimes people confuse love with lust.




It's not tech, it's personal....

Technology isn't personal, it's a business. A match finder, or an executive matchmaker does just that; I make it personal. I have grown and nurtured a database of eligible professional, active, emotionally and financially fit singles and then connect them based on similar interests, morals, ethics, compatibility and so much more… and it’s all done with a personal touch. There are no bots involved, at least when I am matchmaking. I use all the above criteria and also add something that can’t be computerized: my GUT INSTINCT. And it hasn’t proved me wrong  in 25 years of professional and executive matchmaking.  

Lesson Learned:

 When looking for a match finder or trying to navigate the waters of millionaire dating, you need a certain caliber of people to meet. As a professional and executive matchmaker, I ensure that every person I interact with is high class, quality and qualified individuals with like minded goals.









jordana balsam