Dating Advice for Women by a Professional Matchmaker ...How to meet men the right way

Anyone who’s ever been on a free dating site – even the so called “best dating websites” - knows that it takes practice to get it right. The problem is, sometimes you don’t have time to practice and you have to hit the ground running on the first try. It can be frustrating especially for women that are just confused by how to meet men…quality men. Then again, some women just want a man to take care of them.

How to meet men and other dating secrets

We’ve all been there; that awkward moment when you’re chatting online and you know you have to make small talk yet you’re not even sure how to begin. You start doubting yourself and asking all kinds of internal questions like: Should I lead with the basic getting to know you questions and ask him about his family? Or maybe it’s better if I ask him about his job? What if he has a dog- I love dogs- should I ask if he has a dog? What if he has a cat? I hate cats.

Should I lead with sarcasm and humor and show him that I’m witty and fun? Should I start talking about world news and politics and show him that I’m smart and worldly?  Or should I act sultry and sexy and show him I’m playful?

Our minds start playing all kinds of tricks on us to the point when we start questioning is this even the best way to meet men? 

What women don’t know and how to meet men the right way

What most women don’t realize is that men feel the exact same way and often question whether these free dating sites are the best way to meet women.

But the world of online dating isn’t the only way to meet people and the best kept secret is to use an intermediary like a matchmaking service. Professional Matchmakers not only take out the awkwardness from dating but they also know how to set up a first date with the goal of securing a second date and a third and a fourth date and so on.

So how do you know when its time to use a professional matchmaker?.....

When even the best dating websites fail you!

But once you have finally found that perfect date- you need to know how to navigate it.

What women don’t know and what a professional matchmaker tells them:

Here are 5 dating tips for women by a professional matchmaker:

1.   Don’t set too many rules right out the gate. Back in your early 20’s you may have thought that a dating a divorced man with a child was totally taboo, but if you go in with an open mind you just may find that he’s a great dad and caretaker and has real potential to be a great husband.

2.  Pace yourself. Slow your roll. Pretend you’re in a client meeting or a meeting with your boss (even if – and especially if- you are the boss) and limit your alcohol intake. Don’t drink too much and you won't spill too much – both literally and figuratively.

3.   Have fun with it. Keep the conversation light and never bring up your ex, daddy issues or politics. The best way to meet men is to keep it fun and entertaining and make it enjoyable for the both of you. After all, it’s a night out and an opportunity to meet someone new- even if you sense that he’s not the right guy for you- he may turn into a good friend or work contact. You will only know if you have an open mind.

4.   Don’t talk incessantly about yourself. Ask him questions and then listen to his answers and respond with enthusiasm. A smile goes a long way and even the best dating sites can’t translate a smile online…. use your personal touch by keeping those pearly whites out all night!

5.   Be real. Never lie on a date even if you think it will impress him. Honesty goes a long way and men will appreciate your sincerity when they consider asking you out again or reverting back to those dating sites.

Lesson Learned

Be true to yourself, smile, ask questions with enthusiasm and most importantly have fun with dating! Even the best dating sites can’t help you navigate a first date but tips from a professional matchmaker will get you date #2 – if that’s your goal.

jordana balsam